Monday, March 16, 2009

Meal Planning Monday

I enjoy reading some posts from fellow bloggers who participate in Meal Planning Monday. I decided to join in this week with the fun and post what we will be cooking up at our humble abode. This is a great way to better organize your week as well as your grocery list.

Chicken Broccoli Cassorole
French Bread

Speghetti with sausage
Garlic Toast

Deer Roast/Stew with Potatoes, Carrots and Onions

Sandwich or Lean Cruisine Night

Not sure yet. Maybe eat out with the family

Probably grilled hot dogs at the park with the whole big family for BabyGirl's 2 year old birthday.

Maybe out at the Mexican Restuarant after church

Long Time No Write

Ok. I am making a new resolution to keep up with this blog. I enjoy reading other blogs soo much and doing so has definitely inspired me to blog for myself. I am not sure what I will blog on. Mostly, I believe that it will be my family's life, recipes that we enjoy, motherhood, gardening, working mother information and just a hodge-podge of things I enjoy in my life. So today, I will blog about my little angel Lydia. She is the light of my life! Here she is holding a daffodil that we just planted this fall. Surprisingly, they all come up. My sweetheart niece (Hanna) helped me plant the bulbs and they have come up and are beautiful. Needless to say, Lydia loves picking them. It is really hard for me to get onto her for doing so as she looks so cute holding the flower and exploring something that is pretty and smells good.